Thursday, February 28, 2008

Virtual (and actual) commute

Today is fun. I've been online with people in Atlanta and New York, I'm currently in a demo with folks in Florida and DC and I still haven't brushed my teeth. Once I clean up I'm going to get on the road and actually speak to someone face to face in LA. The good part of home office work is that I don't have to spend my morning in a car getting to a desk in an office just for the sake of being seen. I can start my day a lot earlier (today it was 5:30 am) and can take time throughout the day to step away from work and still be close enough to the desk that I can respond to communication.
The down side of this job is that when I travel it can be for longer periods of time (18 days with 36 hours at home, anyone?) - the payoff is when I'm in my "office" I can sit with my dogs at my feet and look like a slob!

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